Awards and Qualifications.

  • Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship

    Entered through Nottingham Trent University. Looking into the development of the built environment following severe destruction from natural and social disasters.

  • BArch (Hons) 2:1

    Graduating in July 2021 from Nottingham Trent University with a 2:1 BArch (Hons) degree and my RIBA Part 1.

  • Carbon Literacy Certificate

    Gained through the Carbon Literacy Project and Nottingham Trent University in 2021. To enable myself to design more carbon consciously.

  • Sustainability in Practice

    Gained through the Nottingham Trent University in 2021. To enable myself to design more carbon consciously.

  • Architecture North Sketching Competiton

    Commendation in a drawing competition run by Nottingham Trent University and Architecture North. The drawing explored the reality of architecture school culture.

  • Switch Competitions Hyde Park Winter Pavillion

    Entered as part of a team of 3 students from Nottingham Trent University and Sheffield Hallam University to design the Hyde Park Winter Pavillion. Exploring the ideas of story telling and community in the festive period.

  • Aarhus University Drawing Of The Year

    Entrant. The drawing commedically explores the British culture amid the coronavirus pandemic through a mixed media composition.

  • D of E Gold Award

    Received in May 2019 at Buckingham Palace.

  • First Aid at Work Certified

    Obtained February 2022.

  • Chief Scout Gold Award